[Powershell] Convert Chinese character to pinying

Found a new job in Beijing, the company was using cloud stuff for infrastructure IT systems, like mail system, mobile messaging, IM. The company is going bigger and stronger, making more money, so the bosses decided update to AD/exchange/lync. It is quite hard to manage compare to a pure foreign enterprise cause Chinese prefer see Chinese characters when doing jobs. Like mix Chinese characters and pinyings togerther, or first letters from Chinese characters. To me, this could be a big problem potentially, so I would like to figure out a way to convert Chinese characters to pinyings.

There actually already many websites provide such service, probably I can simply invoke those webservices as API, but I prefer ways more offically instead of webservices over internet.

Fortunately, Microsoft already provided a DLL for this kind purpose, downloading from:


Details usage we can know from help document after installation, it really straightforward, like

Simplified Chinese Pin-Yin Conversion Library Document.chm


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio International Pack\Simplified Chinese Pin-Yin Conversion Library

For powershell, the only need is ChnCharInfo.dll, I can copy it to wherever I like,

Then, how I import the DLL?

Another way more fancy is using [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile

After we loaded it into powershell runspace, we can invoke its class, class name can be known from chm file we mentioned just now.

The library only owns one namespace and one class, what a simple class makes like easier.

Below example reveals the way to convert a Chinese character to pinying.

The number following the pinying is 5 different tones when Chinese pronouncing.

时间: 2024-08-23 21:02:39

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