python 报错RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

1 a = {‘1‘:11, ‘2‘:0, ‘3‘:0}
2 for b in list(a.keys()):
3     if a[b] == 0:
4         del a[b]
6 print(a)




时间: 2024-08-16 07:26:13

python 报错RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration的相关文章

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# result 是一个字典, 把里面属性值是None的属性删除 for key in result: if not result[key]: del result[key] continue 但是报错信息如下 RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration # 字典在迭代的时候改变了字典大小 python 遍历一个dict.set类型的同时,并且在改变这个变量的长度或者一边遍历一边修改,这时候就会抛出这错误: 我查了一些资料之后, 

python : dictionary changed size during iteration

1. 错误方式 #这里初始化一个dict >>> d = {'a':1, 'b':0, 'c':1, 'd':0} #本意是遍历dict,发现元素的值是0的话,就删掉 >>> for k in d: ... if d[k] == 0: ... del(d[k]) ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> RuntimeE

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