【SPOJ】SPCQ - Gopu and Digits Divisibility 数位处理

(sb CSDN有些毛病,先贴这里……)






 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <iostream>
 4 #include <algorithm>
 5 #define N 101000
 6 #define ll long long
 7 using namespace std;
 8 ll check(ll x)
 9 {
10     int i,j,k;
11     ll sum=0,p=x;
12     while(p)
13     {
14         sum+=p%10;
15         p/=10;
16     }
17     return x%sum;
18 }
19 int main()
20 {
21 //    freopen("1.in","r",stdin);
23     int g;
24     ll x;
25     for(scanf("%d",&g);g--;)
26     {
27         cin>>x;
28         while(check(x))x++;
29         cout<<x<<endl;
30     }
31     return 0;
32 }
时间: 2025-01-02 17:25:39

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