Get current time and date on Android

You could use:

Calendar c =Calendar.getInstance();int seconds = c.get(Calendar.SECOND);

There are plenty of constants in Calendar for everything you need.
Edit: Calendar
class documentation


You can use android.text.format.Time:

Time now =newTime();

From the reference linked above:

The Time class is a faster replacement for the java.util.Calendar and
java.util.GregorianCalendar classes. An instance of the Time class
represents a moment in time, specified with second precision.

If you want to get the date and time in a specific pattern you can
use the following:

SimpleDateFormat sdf =newSimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");String currentDateandTime = sdf.format(newDate());

Actually, it‘s safer to set the current timezone set on the device
with Time.getCurrentTimezone(), or else you will get the
current time in UTC.

Time today =newTime(Time.getCurrentTimezone());

Then, you can get all the date fields you want, like, for

textViewDay.setText(today.monthDay +"");// Day of the month (1-31)
textViewMonth.setText(today.month +"");// Month (0-11)
textViewYear.setText(today.year +"");// Year
textViewTime.setText(today.format("%k:%M:%S"));// Current time

See android.text.format.Time
class for all the details.

To ge the current time you can use
System.currentTimeMillis() which is standard in Java. Then
you can use it to create a date

Date currentDate =newDate(System.currentTimeMillis());

And as mentioned by others to create a time

Time currentTime =newTime();

For those who might rather prefer a customized format, you can

DateFormat df =newSimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy, HH:mm");String date = df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

Whereas you can have DateFormat patterns such as:

"yyyy.MM.dd G ‘at‘ HH:mm:ss z"----2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT
"hh ‘o‘‘clock‘ a, zzzz"-----------12 o‘clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time
"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"------- Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700
"yyyy-MM-dd‘T‘HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"------- 2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700
"yyMMddHHmmssZ"-------------------- 010704120856-0700
"K:mm a, z" ----------------------- 0:08 PM, PDT
"h:mm a" -------------------------- 12:08 PM
"EEE, MMM d, ‘‘yy" ---------------- Wed, Jul 4, ‘01

Get current time and date on Android,布布扣,

时间: 2024-12-18 12:24:07

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