using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace LamdaSimple { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private delegate double MathAction(double num); private double Double(double input) { return input * 2; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MSDN上例子:;k(DELEGATE)&rd=true // Instantiate delegate with named method:委托 MathAction ma = Double; // Invoke delegate ma: double multByTwo = ma(4.5); Console.WriteLine(multByTwo); // Instantiate delegate with anonymous method:匿名方法 MathAction ma2 = delegate(double input) { return input * input; }; double square = ma2(5); Console.WriteLine(square); // Instantiate delegate with lambda expression:Lambda表达式 MathAction ma3 = (s) => { return s * s; }; PrintAction((s) => { return s * s; }); //************************************************************** //参数为:Delegate method;才可以进行new Action Thread t = new Thread(() => this.textBox1.Invoke(new Action(() => { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { this.textBox1.Text = i.ToString(); } }))); t.Start(); //************************************************************** //s => s + s; s=>{ return s+ s;} 相当于 List<string> lst = new List<string>(); var v = lst.Select(s => { return s; }); var v1 = lst.Select(s => s + 10); List<Student> lstStundets = new List<Student>(); var v2 = lstStundets.Select(s => { return new { aaa = s.ID, bbbb = s.Name }; }); //等于 var v3 = lstStundets.Select(s => new { aaa = s.ID, bbbb = s.Name }); //************************************************************** //当只有一个参数的时候 lstStundets.ForEach(s => { s.ID = ""; s.Name = ""; }); lstStundets.ForEach((s) => { s.ID = ""; s.Name = ""; }); lstStundets.ForEach((s) => { s.ID = ""; s.Name = ""; }); try { var intValue = this.textBox1.GetValue<int>(); } catch (Exception) { } } public void PrintAction(Func<double, double> ation) { } } public class Student { public string ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } } public static class Exstions { ///默认版本,调用上个重载方法 public static TResult GetValue<TResult>(this TextBox textBox) where TResult : struct { return GetValue<TResult>(textBox, true); } public static TResult GetValue<TResult>(this TextBox textBox, bool isShowError) where TResult : struct { return GetValue<TResult>(textBox, (p) => { if (isShowError) { p.Focus(); p.SelectAll(); MessageBox.Show("输入值格式不正确,请重新输入!", "提示--值类型:" + typeof(TResult).Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }); } //ailed(textBox); 可以这样理解。 //委托指向方法;相当于一个不返回值,参数为TextBox的方法。如下: public static void ExecutAction(TextBox textBox) { textBox.Focus(); textBox.SelectAll(); } public static TResult GetValue<TResult>(this TextBox textBox, Action<TextBox> failed) where TResult : struct { var type = typeof(TResult); var method = type.GetMethod("TryParse", new Type[] { typeof(string), type.MakeByRefType() }); var parameters = new object[] { textBox.Text, default(TResult) }; // 若转换失败,执行failed if (!(bool)method.Invoke(null, parameters)) { failed(textBox); throw new InvalidCastException("输入值格式不正确,请检查输入值。"); } return (TResult)parameters[1]; } } }
C# 自己对delegate的总结和认识,布布扣,
时间: 2025-01-05 22:46:56