AIX PowerHA (HACMP) Commands

PowerHA(HACMP) Commands

How to start cluster daemons (options in that order:
 clstrmgr, clsmuxpd, broadcast message, clinfo, cllockd)

clstart -m -s -b -i -l

How to show cluster state and substate (depends on clinfo)


SNMP-based tool to show cluster state


Similar to cldump, perl script to show cluster state


How to list the local view of the cluster topology


How to list the local view of the cluster subsystems

 clshowsrv -a

How to show all necessary info about HACMP

 clshowsrv -v

How to show HACMP version

 lslpp -L | grep

How to verify the HACMP configuration
-v -O                                                                  

How to list app servers configured including start/stop scripts


How to locate the resource groups and display their status

 clRGinfo -v

How to rotate some of the log files


A cluster ping program with more arguments


Cluster rsh program that take cluster node names as argument


How to find out the name of the local node


rHow to check the HACMP ODM


How to put online/offline or move resource groups


How to list the resource groups


How to create a large snapshot of the hacmp configuration


How to show short resource group information


How to list the cluster manager state

 lssrc -ls clstrmgrES

Cluster manager states
  • ST_NOT_CONFIGURED Node never started
  • ST_INIT Node configured but down - not  running
  • ST_STABLE Node up and running
  • ST_RP_FAILED Node with event error

How to show heartbeat information

 lssrc -ls topsvcs

How to check logs related to hacmp

 odmget HACMPlogs

How to list all information from topology HACMP

 lssrc -ls topsvcs

How to show all info about group

  lssrc -ls grpsvcs

How to list the logs


How to list the resources defined for all resource group


How to show resource information by resource group

 clshowres -g‘RG‘

How to show resource information by node

 clshowres -n‘NODE‘

How to locate the resource groups and display status (-s)    


How to list interface name/interface device   name/netmask      associated with a specified ip label / ip address of a specific 


Cluster verification utility


How to list cluster topology information


X utility for cluster configuration


X utility for hacmp management 


X utility for cluster status


How to force shutdown cluster immediately without releasing resources

 lclstop -f -N

How to do graceful shutdown immediately with no takeover

 clstop -g -N

How to do graceful shutdown immediately with takeover

 clstop -gr -N

How to sync the cluster topology
 cldare -t
How to do the mock sync of topology
 cldare -t -f

How to sync the cluster resources

 cldare -r

How to do the mock sync of resources
 cldare -r -f

How to list the name and security level of the cluster

How to list the info about the cluster nodes

How to list info about node69
 cllsnode -i node69

How to list the PVID of the shared hard disk for resource group dataRG
 cllsdisk -g dataRG

How to list all cluster networks

How to list the details of network ether1
 cllsnw -n ether1

How to show network ip/nonip interface information

How to list the details of network adapter node1_service
 cllsif -n node1_service

How to list the shared vgs which can be accessed by all nodes

How to list the shared vgs in resource group dbRG
 cllsvg -g dbRG

How to list the shared lvs

How to list the shared lvs in the resource group dbRG
 cllslv -g dbRG

How to list the PVID of disks in the resource group appRG
 cllsdisk -g appRG

How to list the shared file systems

How to list the shared file systems in the resource group sapRG
 cllsfs -g sapRG

How to show info about all network modules

How to show info about ether network module
 cllsnim -n ether

How to list the runtime parameters for the node node1
 cllsparam -n node1

How to add a cluster definition with name dcm and id 3
 claddclstr -i 3 -n dcm

How to create resource group sapRG with nodes n1,n2 in cascade
 claddgrp -g sapRG -r cascading -n n1 n2

Creates an application server ser1 with startscript as /usr/start and stop script as /usr/stop
 claddserv -s ser1 -b /usr/start -e /usr/stop

How to change cluster definitions name to dcmds and id to 2
 clchclstr -i 2 -n dcmds

How to change the cluster security to enhanced
 clchclstr -s enhanced

How to delete the resource group appRG and related resources
 clrmgrp -g appRG

How to remove the node node69
 clrmnode -n node69

How to remove the adapter named node69_svc
 clrmnode -a node69_svc

How to remove all resources from resource group appRG
 clrmres -g appRG

How to remove the application server app69
 clrmserv app69

How to remove all applicaion servers
 clrmserv ALL

to list the nodes with active cluster manager processes from cluster
manager on node node1clgetaddr node1 returns a pingable address from
node node1
 clgetactivenodes -n node1

How to list the info about resource group sapRG
 clgetgrp -g sapRG

How to list the participating nodes in the resource group sapRG
 clgetgrp -g sapRG -f nodes

How to get the ip label associated to the resource group
  clgetip sapRG

How to list the network for ip, netmask

How to list the VG of LV nodelv
 clgetvg -l nodelv

How to add node5 to the cluster
 clnodename -a node5

How to change the cluster node name node5 to node3
 clnodename -o node5 -n node3
时间: 2024-08-03 16:36:04

AIX PowerHA (HACMP) Commands的相关文章

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【课程分享】深入探究IBM AIX高级系统管理(LVM、HACMP双机互备)

课程讲师:丸子 课程分类:其他 适合人群:高级 课时数量:53课时 更新程度:完毕 用到技术:AIX.LVM.HACMP 涉及项目:AIX系统管理 对这个课程感兴趣的,可以加我好友2059055336分享资源 AIX(Advanced Interactive eXecutive)是IBM基于AT&T Unix System V开发的一套类UNIX操作系统,运行在IBM专有的Power系列芯片设计的小型机硬件系统之上.它符合Open group的UNIX 98行业标准(The Open Group

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深入探究IBM AIX高级系统管理(LVM、HACMP双机互备)

课程讲师:丸子课程分类:其他适合人群:高级课时数量:53课时更新程度:完毕服务类型:C类(普通服务类课程)用到技术:AIX.LVM.HACMP涉及项目:AIX系统管理 需要更多相关资料可以联系 Q2748165793  AIX(Advanced Interactive eXecutive)是IBM基于AT&T Unix System V开发的一套类UNIX操作系统,运行在IBM专有的Power系列芯片设计的小型机硬件系统之上.它符合Open group的UNIX 98行业标准(The Open


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HACMP 学习笔记--转载自wangjialiang-csdn博客

An41 教程: Ha: 初始阶段的规划最重要 第一部分:概念和模型 Ha 目标:掩盖和消除计划和非计划的宕机 Eliminate SPOF :消除单节点故障, single point of failuare(SPOF) Cluster:   node 可要是设备可是分区 Node 尽量不要在一个机柜 Node 之间一定要有非 ip 网络,串口,磁盘 RSCT :负责 node 之间的通讯和协调,发送心跳,监控 cluster clstrmgrES :该工具用来实现 HA 管理 clcomd