[LeetCode][JavaScript]Increasing Triplet Subsequence

Increasing Triplet Subsequence

Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array.

Formally the function should:

Return true if there exists i, j, k 
such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return false.

Your algorithm should run in O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.

Given [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
return true.

Given [5, 4, 3, 2, 1],
return false.





 1 /**
 2  * @param {number[]} nums
 3  * @return {boolean}
 4  */
 5 var increasingTriplet = function(nums) {
 6     var p = Infinity, q = Infinity;
 7     for(var i = 0 ; i < nums.length; i++){
 8         if(nums[i] <= p){
 9             p = nums[i];
10         }else if(nums[i] < q){
11             q = nums[i];
12         }else if(nums[i] > q){
13             return true;
14         }
15     }
16     return false;
17 };
时间: 2024-08-06 16:05:37

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Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array. Formally the function should: Return true if there exists i, j, k such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return

leetcode笔记:Increasing Triplet Subsequence

一. 题目描述 Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array. Formally the function should: Return true if there exists i, j, k such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 els

Increasing Triplet Subsequence

Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array. Formally the function should: Return true if there exists i, j, k such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return

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Given an unsorted array return whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in the array. Formally the function should: Return true if there exists i, j, k  such that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else retur